- The boy' s eyes rounded with excitement. 男孩兴奋得眼睛睁得圆圆的。
- The cat' s eyes were gleaming in the dark. 猫的眼睛在黑暗中闪闪发光。
- Crow does not pick crow 's eyes . 同室不操戈;同类不相残。
- The child' s eyes rounded with excitement. 孩子因兴奋眼睛睁得圆圆的。
- Crow does not pick crow 's eyes. 同室不操戈;同类不相残。
- Members of the team that is about to serve rotate one position in a clockwise direction before serving. 所有所员都按顺时针方向轮转一个位置,顺序发球。
- Naida’s eyes glittered.Then she pouted. 奈妲的眼睛闪了闪,随之撅起嘴。
- The boy’s eyes widen: he quickly leaves the room. 男孩的眼睛弄宽: 他很快地留下房间。
- One may also listen to our hum and intend to rotate one's molecular structure in syncopation. 你也可以倾听我们的鸣叫,并意愿将你的分子转动切分到这个节奏中。
- Tom is the apple of his mother' s eye. 汤姆是他母亲的宝贝。
- The princess is a big apple of this king 's eye. 公主是这位国王的掌上明珠。
- Instead of piercing another with barbs of straight lined electrical energy, one learns to rotate one's field around another embracing them instead. 不再是用另一个有直线化电能量的倒钩来刺穿一个场,一个人学会了将场围绕另一个场旋转而将它们全部融合。
- When you have two to use, rotate one so it is pointing off the other, merge the two layers and rotate it off the middle. 当你使用这两个层面时,旋转一个使它偏离另一个,融合这两个层为一个,然后旋转它偏离中间。
- It has the ability to motivate and inspire people as the burning passion can be seen in one’s eyes, leave alone work. 这个演讲表达了黑人和白人团结起来的愿望。马丁拥有梦想,并力排众议。
- Puck puts the liquid on the men’s eyes, and they both end up falling in love with one of the women. 帕克将魔液点在两个男子的眼睛上,结果他们俩都同时爱上了其中一个女孩。
- Set how much to scroll when the mouse wheel is rotated one notch. 设置鼠标轮旋转一个格时滚动的距离。
- Reynold s eyes, and I saw a tear slowly sliding down his cheek. 我看到一颗泪珠正缓缓地从他的面颊上滚下来。
- Loch’s eyes widened and he opened his mouth, speechless. 卢克的眼睛圆睁,嘴巴也大张着,说不出话来。
- There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people‘s eyes. 上面这段英文就是当时莎士比亚的原话.
- After that Ichigo‘s eyes opens and stares at Nell and GJ. 过后一护挣开眼睛,瞪着妮露和小葛。